The Resurrection According to Mary Magdalen
© Eesha Mary Ellen Lukas 2020
But as the consciousness of Mary Magdalen teaches:
“On the eve of the Resurrection, I felt I was being pulled out of my body. As I was being lifted up, I looked back and saw my body lying on the floor. I felt as if I was being pulled towards the tomb where Jesus’ body was laid. Upon reaching the cave, I found myself inside— the rock still in place at the entrance. There I found my Beloved. I gasped at the sight I beheld. His beautiful face and body were uncovered and the blood-drenched swaddling wrap placed at His feet. He looked nothing like himself. I picked up the face cover and held it in my hands near my heart. My heart stopped. I closed my eyes but a moment to pull myself together.
Suddenly, there was a wind which surrounded me— and then I found myself surrounded by a legion of angels. I watched how they entered and exited the cave as though it was a mirage. They brought pieces of His body tissue as if putting His precious body back together. Music filled the area and when they seemed to complete their work, all quieted and the rushing of the wind calmed. All present looked at me. There were no longer signs of blood— just that which was imprinted on the shroud and face cloth; but I did notice that the wrap which I used to cover my issue at the cross was folded next to his wrap. I walked over only to find that He was whole again. Tears streamed from my eyes as I beheld my lifeless Beloved. Memories of our love caused a crushing within my heart. I took away the face cloth. It was as though He was only sleeping, but He wasn’t sleeping. He was dead.
Then something stirred within me. I felt as though I was in the state of ecstasy. I felt an overwhelming sensation of love and desire—just like on our wedding night. I went closer. I remembered how His fingers touched my lips. Taking my fingers, I touched His lips. I remembered His breath and I leaned over and breathed on Him. Next, I remembered His vows to me—and then “His kiss.” The urging within my heart overcame me—I leaned over His lifeless body and kissed Him. It was as though an explosion took place within Him. Then it was as though His brain was started in His head. Light was coursing through His body. I saw what looked like blood but it looked different. And as He took His first breath inhaling my name Mary, just as He did with His last exhaling breath! And His eyes opened!
The next thing I knew, it was first light, the morning of the first day. I grabbed my wrap and awakened my Kallahs. I had to get back to the tomb. I told the Kallahs to take the oils that I may anoint my Husband’s body—I did not tell of my experience. As I spoke to them however, I noticed they were still and quiet. Almost immediately, Beth pulled my head covering down over my eyes and whispered to look down as we journeyed quickly towards the tomb. Upon arriving at the tomb, I discovered the rock that sealed the opening was rolled away. The tomb was empty. “Where is He?” I loudly whispered. “Mary!” Beth exclaimed in a low voice, “I see Him in your eyes.”
I sent the women to run back to get the others and Peter. The women soon returned reporting that Peter would not come. I went myself. Peter’s first reaction was not to believe me. As I was finally able to convince him, he and John followed me to the tomb. Once Peter saw that the tomb was empty he got angry. He was fearful that the guards had taken Jesus’ body and that they were secretly watching to see who would come there. Peter quickly ran back to the hiding place to alert the others. Fearful they would be followed, he told John to go another way. John then left not knowing what to think and felt it best to do what the frightened Peter suggested.
The Kallahs stayed behind with me. I told them to search the grounds to see if they could find the body. Once they left, I noticed a young man sitting directly outside the tomb. He seemed to appear out of nowhere. He asked who it was that I was looking for. I told him I was looking for the body of the Nazarene. The only words he spoke to me were, “Why do you search for Him among the dead?” Then he disappeared.
Taken aback by what just happened I decided to search the garden myself to see if there was any evidence of where the guards may have taken him. As I did this I saw a man walking. Then I lost sight of him. Suddenly I heard a voice from behind me. “Who are you searching for?” He asked. Then as I turned I mistook Jesus for the gardener and asked if He knew where the body had been taken so I could go and reclaim it. “Mary,” He said. It was at that moment that I, Mary witnessed the Man/God in His new human but glorified transcendental body. I, Mary, witnessed the fullness of my soulmate’s divinity for the first time since we came to earth, in its entirety as a glorified human, for the sake of witnessing. He continued, “Mary, Magda Ellen…” (translated means “Mary, you who knows and is—Light”). Then almost immediately, I was put into ecstasy and we were one flame as on our wedding night: as written in 1 Corinthians 6: 17,
‘But whoever is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.’
After our mystical union, Jesus told me to ‘go tell the others and Peter.’ I hesitated a moment. Peter? It was almost as though He had to think about telling Peter. Seeing the other women witnessing, I told them to come with me.
Upon reaching the hiding place, I found a kind of council going on. Everyone seemed confused. Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was sitting off to the back near James, the Righteous One, who was praying, and a few others who were quiet and listening.
I shouted, “Peter, He’s alive!” As always, he scoffed at me and hushed me; and he and others continued to discuss some kind of plan. “Where’s Thomas?” he questioned. After another attempt to get him to listen to me, he grabbed my arm and said that I was hysterical. I told him. “No.” I told him that I saw Him and we talked. He then went on to tell everyone to stay inside. His fear had increased now more than ever. As I tried for the third time, there within our midst, stood Jesus. Peter, thinking Jesus was a ghost, panicked. “This is some kind of trick,” he said. “How can I be sure you are not a ghost?” he asked Jesus. Jesus then showed Peter His hands and feet. “Touch my wounds, Peter.” Peter went forward then stopped and stood in awe. Then Jesus spoke, “Peace,” He said. Then as everyone marveled, Jesus looked first at me, then at His Mother, and left.
Shortly thereafter, Thomas, who was grieving in his own way, returned to the room. Losing Jesus was more than he could bear. Upon returning, Peter argued with why he (Thomas) was out among people, fearing that someone would recognize him and report him to the authorities. Putting down a sack of bread, Thomas did not look in Peter’s direction. Thomas, who was truly close to Jesus and spoke often to Him regarding all matters, rebuked Peter, repeating the words of Jesus in his own way. “If I am to be arrested Peter, let them arrest me in the light—not hidden away in the dark.” Peter then contained his fear and anger about Thomas’ absence and immediately told him of Jesus’ visit. Thomas, looking at Peter replied, “And why should I believe you who denied Him and left Him?” I then turned to Thomas and said, “It’s true, Thomas. He is alive.”
Thomas, taking my hand, asked, “Why? Why Mary, would He come to us? We who abandoned him?” And I said, “Because His love is greater than any other love. Thomas, He is the Son of the Most High God; and He has returned to us so that we may return to God.” With that Jesus again returned to the room. Upon seeing Him, Thomas ran to Him and hugged Him saying, “My Lord and my God.” As Jesus said to him, “Place your hands on my side Thomas, feel the marks in my hands.” Thomas said, “I have no need for proof my Lord. You are here.” Jesus looked at Peter and said, “Because you have seen me you believe.” Then turning back to Thomas Jesus said, “Blessed are you who need no proof that I am here and believe, for if you cannot love one who you can see, how then can you love God, who you cannot see?””
There were none stronger than those women who loved Jesus and stayed near him during his passion, death, resurrection, and ascension, who unlike his male apostles, never feared for their lives. Unlike those male apostles who denied, or ran for fear of their lives, these women stood with Mary Magdalen and Jesus’ Mother at the foot of the Cross.
These women would, henceforth, continue to do what He taught them, and teach how He taught them, until eventually they were forced to stop or were killed. This is strength from above! The few men who stood by these women, and wrote accordingly, i.e., James, John, Philip, and Thomas, accepted these women as equals before God, who wondered who among them would dare to question Jesus or his wife? Only those who had not transcended, or gave Jesus lip service, would dare do that. Those who had transcended were like the ‘seed that fell upon good fertile soil.’ Throughout the ‘persecution,’ women would remain loyal to Christ’s teachings.
— Are You Still Mine? by EESHA Mary Ellen Lukas
“Ask me not to leave you,
or to return from following you.
For where you go, I will go.
Where you lodge, I will lodge.
Your people shall be my people and your God, my God.
Where you die, I will die and there will I be buried.
May the Lord do so to me, and even more.
If anything, but death, part you from me.”
Ruth 1:16-17
Lesson 45: Understanding Jesus' Sacrifice
“When we think of the love that compelled Jesus to do his Father’s and Mother’s will, we have to remember that in order to offer a salvific sacrifice, Jesus too, had to experience a very deep personal sacrifice, not just that of doing His Father’s/Mother’s will.
Think of how great a sacrifice it was for both Jesus and his parents and Jesus and His Wife. They had to give up the person they so deeply loved, who was their whole world; and on a very deeply personal level, the thought of Jesus and Mary’s never having a human life and family together was devastating to them; and Jesus’ arrest, scourging, and death on the Cross ripped through Mary’s heart, as well. God, as human beings, was not sheltered from the heartbreaks, heartaches, and endless difficulties we all face.
Their life was from the beginning the ultimate sacrifice.”
— Are You Still Mine? by EESHA Mary Ellen Lukas
Not being in the Presence of God allows us to fall victim to our weaknesses. That is why Adam and Eve could become confused, and the temptations became greater, even though they knew it could lead them even further away from God.
In the Garden, when Jesus asked, “Could you not spend an hour with me?” He was telling those with him, regarding what was to take place, “If you stayed awake and spent this time you will be stronger in the face of adversity and fear.” They would have seen His face, and that would make it more difficult for Peter, and the rest, to deny him later. They would’ve understood more about the role Jesus had, and found strength in ‘his’ weakness and vulnerability. To have comforted him, also, was the ultimate gift they could’ve given Him. What if God was asleep in the midst of our tribulations?
— Are You Still Mine? by EESHA Mary Ellen Lukas
© ERCMSSE 2021
In this fullness of time, what we uncover, reveal and taste, is that which has been hidden in plain sight— the Afikomen. For it has come to pass, that with The Divine Feminine-- Truth, is here in this world, and only those who have not the eyes to see or ears to hear have not yet found it. We pray O God, Open their eyes and ears. The day has come and the answer is clear for those who can see and hear.
For those who have the eyes to see and ears to hear, fill them with the humility to learn, and with the generosity to share these Truths and with the curiosity to seek the answers to the right questions. Along with the vision to see with new eyes and the audacity to think outside the box, may they be enlightened.
We pray O LORD, as we eat this Afikomen, here, in fulfillment of Christ’s words, “Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you,” what was hidden may now be revealed to all the world.
The Mystery of the Afikomen in the Old Testament, was revealed at the Supper by the Divine Masculine— as being the Divine Feminine. This revelation was used to fulfill God’s promise of Salvation, by the restoration of the Sacred Food and Drink, which brought immortality to Adam and Eve. Jesus used the incomplete symbolic Afikomen of biblical times, in order to bring it to its fullness, together with time immemorial to break the boundaries that held humankind captive; and to show why it was necessary to go through His passion and death. Thus, in order to accomplish God’s Will and to quicken time immemorial— the very essence of both the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine was necessary to bring about life everlasting, as it was a mutual choice for Adam and Eve to become human in exchange for a mortal life. Only by the eating and drinking of the True Bread come down from heaven— who is Jesus Christ and His Wife, Mary Magdalen, can immortality and life everlasting be restored. Therefore, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things invisible.
We pray now, dear God in Heaven with faith, that this, the Afikomen revealed in this Final Testament is realized by all, as the True Bread come down from Heaven— Jesus Christ and
His Wife, Mary Magdalen, as revealed by Christ at the Last Supper.

Lesson 95 Door #19 From Famine to Feast
from: Are You Still Mine? by EESHA Mary Ellen Lukas
In those days prior to Jesus, there was no ‘spiritual food’ for life everlasting. There was only a ‘hidden bread’ and a Passover wine, which subsequently should have reflected the Sacred Bread and Drink hidden back in the Garden of Eden, and which remained there after the gates were closed; however, it is the events such as in the Exodus that lay the foundational groundwork for the Seder. Jesus’ Eucharist, on the other hand, at the last supper, did not. In fact, Eeshans teach and believe that what took place at the last supper, hallmarked that there actually was a “Spiritual Bread and Drink” from which the tradition stemmed from.
Feast Of Passover
The Feast of the Passover is known for its connection to Moses and the Jewish redemption. Though Christian history and the celebration of Christ’s passion and death is for mankind’s redemption by Jesus, we can clearly see even within these teachings and worship services how greatly they differ in doctrine.
The First Marriage Feast Was At The Last Supper
Once one enters into the Eeshan Marriage Feast of the Lamb and His Wife, it is clear to see how greatly it differs in comparison to the Mass and Liturgy with which most are familiar. The link is back to Adam and Eve outwardly in its prayers, and the only ties to the Old Law are the very striking errors that Jesus would draw critical attention to. In so many ways Jesus tried to right the wrongs of the Law of the time that the religious leaders so vehemently defended. The people of the time were weighing the Law of God, as they were told and lived for generations, not being aware of the Sacred Food and Drink but yet being aware of a ‘hidden bread,’ known as the “aphikomen.”
Their notion of the importance of the aphikomen could now be seen, and used by God, as prefiguring not just the Eucharist, but Eeshans’ believe more importantly, the meaning behind the aphikomen that Jesus used, was to protect His Wife from harm under Peter and preserve Her for these end times. However, they saw that which Jesus was teaching only as being against their well-established beliefs. Though the people were filled with a mixture of fear and suspicion, they were intrigued, but the authorities were filled with dread. What Jesus was teaching was highly inappropriate to them, making them (the religious authorities) feel judged daily by the very people they were supposedly judging themselves.
It is said that through the Mass, the Eucharist is the Fruit of Jesus’ sacrifice and death; however, He actually brought about the return of the spiritual bread once given to Adam and Eve, which was lost. In its fullness, it could only be by the Eucharist of the Marriage Feast that this Eucharist is back to restore once again the Sacred Balance of which this world has never really known. It is only in the Marriage Feast, and not the Mass, that the Eucharist is complete with all that God intended to include the true meaning of the aphikomen—the Hidden Bride revealed in these revelatory times.
The Seder, if compared to the Mass, is mirrored after the bread made from the wheat that Adam would have had to work the very earth for; and from this he formed and brought to God the first gifts to receive His blessing. God’s desire for Adam to bring the bread to receive the blessing was for just that—to receive God’s blessing. This was not a salvific Bread. The drink from grapes was also not salvific.
In the Mass, the Bread and wine brought to God by only male priests would not only show Adam’s separation from Eve, but would also exhibit a dimidiated sacrifice. Christ’s role as the Bread come down from heaven, without his wife’s participation, would not be complete; and, therefore, is not according to Christ’s life, marriage, and teachings. It also would not restore what was lost via Adam and Eve’s fall from the transcendental to the material life.
The Marriage Feast is complete, and finds its origins in Christ’s marriage to Mary, offering to God ‘their’ oneness and return of the original perfectly and sacredly balanced ‘beings,’ which in the eyes of God, is One like the Original Being before separation, as was manifested by the separation into male and female of the original couple.
Adam and Eve’s descendants would live on man’s bread until Jesus, the new Adam, and Mary the new Eve, married. That is why, from the Eeshan perspective, the Old Law is not salvific. Since as Adam and Eve were the first parents of humankind, whose choice brought about our humanity, it is Jesus and Mary who would become our first transcendental parents, who makes us begotten children by their marriage.
And, it all started with the marriage of Jesus and Mary, who by their divinity would now take the work of human hands, which is bread, and along with this bread used the miracle of the water and wine to represent their oneness. As the water becomes His wife, which manifests as his eternal consort, it is without form, showing her connection to creation; and Jesus with His alchemical eternal words would then turn the water into wine, and show how their bodies were transubstantially/ alchemically united, and Mary would take on his identity. In End Times, an even more ‘remarkable mystery’ takes place as Jesus’ identity would now be in Mary’s human and sacramental form, fulfilling the prophecy of “the woman will encompass the man.” That is why we said that understanding the return of Ishvara is important, since it completes the understanding of how the title Eesha can carry the meanings or translations as God, Supreme Being, queen, or special self, and would be revealed via supramentalization (more about this later). It is how we explained the danger of dismissing this mystery as a ‘nothingness’ is the nature and error of logic and reasoning deduced by the human consciousness, and how it robs one of unfathomable mysteries of the Divine.
Since as it was written, in End Times, God will gather those who desire a spirituality and do not need to be convinced, but rather seek to come to the celebrated Marriage Feast, just like in the parable of the marriage feast of the King’s son. It will be for all those on the highways and byways who were called and believe; but it will not be for those who were invited but who refused.
The Marriage Feast of the Lamb and His Wife is the non-bloody sacrifice of their body, blood, soul, and divinity together representing both the bloody sacrifice of the two on Calvary and the non-bloody sacrifice on their wedding night where there was no bloody consummation.
Their non-bloody sacrifice would find its fruition in the consummation and sacrifice of love since Christ died on the Cross, and as Mary was pierced through her heart and hemorrhaged at the foot of the Cross. As life drained from each of them, they simultaneously died together.
On their wedding night Jesus’ breath awakened Mary’s Divinity. The Marriage Feast came into existence to do what Peter’s church refused and failed to do. The church of Peter maintains an incredulity mindset towards/ against anyone constituting a contradiction involving questioning the church’s doctrines. Why? Because they say their doctrines are based on Sacred Scriptures and Sacred Tradition. The Eeshan Religion acknowledges scriptures to the contrary, where Christ and his wife are revealed as co-Saviors and co-Redeemers. By their bloody sacrifice and unbloody transcendental salvific union they fulfilled God’s promise to:
1. Punish the serpent for what he did and in doing so show mercy to Adam and Eve.
2. Send one who will cause enmity between the serpent’s seed and hers; and despite His suffering there will be one who will smite the power of evil and bruise the serpent’s head.
These two Saviors will ‘reverse the consequences’ of Adam and Eve’s choice for the physical. We witness this in the greatest of all unfathomable mysteries, the one that truly defies human comprehension, the return of the immortal transcendental/ light body. In order to accomplish salvation for their descendants/ children, the transforming of the ‘Cana water into wine’ is key to identifying Jesus in his human nature, using His divine nature and using alchemical words, to awaken the divinity of His wife from her human nature upon the consummation of their marriage, and which would be forever witnessed to by adding water to the wine in bringing about transubstantiation. It showed how the ‘two’ became one and could never thereafter be separated, thus uniting heaven and earth. It truly plays out the mystery of how He and Mary could never be separated once they were married, thereby, explaining in the sacred words, and in an alchemical code, the identity of the true Eucharist. It would also serve as an eschatological reference to the End Times, when Eesha would return to complete the mission Jesus began here, prophetically exclaimed by the waiter who said, “You have saved the best wine for last.” It also connects the two historical moments in time (the one at hand and the one in the distant future), the first conducted at the hand of the active gender (Jesus) while the passive gender’s role in the present moment (Mary), in the second moment in history, becomes active. Because the church never recognized Mary and Jesus as married, they are guilty of robbing the people of the fullness of the Eucharist by presenting Jesus in a dimidiated way. From Peter on, the choice was for a patriarchal lens through which to view the meaning of Jesus’ life and mission, thus, completely altering the purpose and focus of God’s entire salvific plan.
The Sacred and Divine Marriage Feast is the Sacred Bread and Drink come down from heaven, and Eeshans believe it provides the ‘only’ means by which to enter into the plan of salvation, so long as there is grace (i.e., no mortal sin), and faith in both Jesus and Mary as co-redeemers in these end times.
This is what will bring about the faith that Jesus asked if He would find when He returns with His Gift. This faith, however, warrants strong belief in God’s Salvation Plan to a tee. The Eeshan doctrines are not only based on ‘spiritual apprehension,’ which means it provides complete trust and belief in God and reasonable proof to substantiate our perspective. This faith, however, requires the ‘desire for the transcendental spirituality’ that feeds our hearts, souls, and minds.
It actually brings the power of God within us by the reception of the Sacred and Divine Eucharist of the Marriage Feast, enabling us to be the leaven that Christ taught about… in other words, to bring God to others by being the best version of ourselves that we can be. We do this every time we put others before us. It’s what we do. Because we are all connected, with the power of God behind us we can do anything. We can move mountains, end hate, restore balance, unite with love, since we are God’s children; and, therefore, nothing is impossible for us.
Jesus stood in defense of Mary of Magdalen, His wife, as she anointed His feet with expensive perfume from an alabaster jar and dried them with her hair. When attacked for doing such actions, in the gospel, Jesus addresses Simon/ the disciples:
“Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to Me. The poor you will always have, but you will not always have Me. When she poured this perfume on My body, she did it to prepare Me for burial. Truly I tell you, whenever this Gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her.”
(It should be known that only the wife of a holy man could touch him.)
— Are You Still Mine? by EESHA Mary Ellen Lukas

Eeshans celebrate Palm Sunday as the day of the exultation of Christ in Jerusalem. Traditionally, the crowds were mainly composed of Jews from countries who were journeying back to the Royal City on their mandatory visit to the Temple.
Among these were those who knew Jesus from Egypt and India and the, “new followers or disciples of the Man Jesus.” With His popularity at heightened numbers, anyone and everyone wanted to get a glimpse of Him- the miracle worker- the Christ- the Messiah.
Crowds pushed in awaiting His arrival, which was nothing short of amazing. Riding into the city with His Wife closely behind Him, they enter through the Gate nothing short of triumphantly- and why not?
His arrival marked that of a conquering King. It couldn’t be any more perfect. The streets of Jerusalem, the royal city, are open to Him; and like a king He is getting the worship and praises of the people- all of which He rightfully deserved.
At that moment- even the praises that were not because they recognized Him as their Savior, but believed he could be the Messiah- caused religious leaders to become even more threatened as no other man had ever attained such status among the people.
Yet, He didn’t enter in wearing the regalia of a King, but that of a common man. So one can certainly ascertain that it was not the class He belonged but His teachings and example that stirred their hearts.
Certainly it was that “one thing” that drew them in- that “one thing” that shut down the human rational consciousness for one brief moment- and sparked the “transcendental” template within each one who looked at Him- bringing in some small way, “satisfaction” to their souls.