He is the Divine Masculine of the Only Begotten Child
He became Human to fulfill His Father’s promise to our First Parents, of Saviors that will come to redeem us- in other words, that we would be able to come back home.
He came to correct the wrongs being taught and to release humankind from the tyranny and corruption of religious leaders and governments.
He lived and taught about love of God, thereby correcting the erroneous myths about God the Father. He made God a Person with loving-kindness and told us that His Father is also our Father not a Spirit with no name. He identified His Father as God and how He was married to the Woman whom we know as the Blessed Virgin Mary. Being the Sacred Balance to His Father, She too became human so that Jesus might get His Humanity.
He taught that our God is the God of love not one of punishment; who didn’t abandon us, but allows us to make our own choices; and how with faith, hope, and love, cope with the consequences of our decisions as well as be accountable for our actions.
Jesus took the Ten Commandments and fashioned them into two-
As the Second Person of the the Blessed Trinity- He sacrificed Himself both Divinely and in His human life to fulfill His Father’s Will, by sacrificing His life that we may have everlasting life.
Jesus made us all part of the Divine Family and as our first parents Adam and Eve desired a physical material life- Jesus and His Wife, Mary Magdalen, sacrificed a conjugal/physical marriage so we can once again enjoy the everlasting life that Adam and Eve lived in the Garden.
As a result of Their sacrifice- Jesus and Mary not only became our Only Begotten Parents- restoring all that we lost through Adam and Eve obtaining a physical material life- but the means by which we can obtain this life.
Where our First Parents would originally beget children- once They became fully human They would then experience birthing-
Jesus and Mary chose to beget Children rather than experience birthing.
So I ask you- if we believe one bite of an apple cost us life everlasting - why then is it so hard to believe that receiving the Sacred Food and Drink can be the antidote that brings us life everlasting back?
It takes faith to believe that the Sacred Food and Drink necessary was the Fruit of Their love for us, yet it was what kept Adam and Eve immortal in the Garden.
Mystically conceived and mystically receiving a Human Body at the hand of His Father- this Human Male Child never lost His Divinity- His Kingship or His Divine Father and Mother’s traits, morals or values- but used these combined with His sacrificial marriage is what brings us back as originally intended by God our Father and Mother.
Sorry you don’t see much difference from when you were living here with us.
But there are still those who believe that YOU GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN YOUR HANDS and we can live forever more because of Christmas Day!

"The mistletoe is a parasitic plant which attaches itself to trees with great tenacity and generally lives as long as the tree itself survives. In Germany, the word for mistletoe signified “all-heal," and the plant was held to possess mystical and magical virtues. The ancients believed that mistletoe was nourished by the air and light, and by the rays of the moon. When it was cut, it must never touch the earth, or its powers would be destroyed.
There has long been religious symbolism relating to this plant, which may have been derived from the idea that it symbolized the impermanent relationship between the body and the soul. Like the soul, the mistletoe is attached to a body, but has a separate existence in space, and it also receives into itself strange energies and forces moving in the air. The presence of mistletoe in the homes of our ancient forebears was considered as a benediction and, if true lovers stood beneath its branch, it brought good fortune.
Here is one of the most beautiful of the old Christmas customs, devoutly religious in its original meaning. It would be no exaggeration to say that to stand under the mistletoe means actually to stand under the wing of the holy spirit of life, or to accept the guardianship of the power of the soul."
Text from, The Story of Christmas by Manly P. Hall
Mistletoe from Jesus & Mary
"No discussion of Christmas could be complete without mentioning Santa Claus. The name is said to be an American colonial corruption of the Dutch Sant Nikolaas. Historically, the man we remember as St. Nicholas was born at Capara, in Lycia, and although a layman, he was made Bishop of Myra because of his exceptional piety. He is said to have died in 343 A.D. In Christian art, he is usually represented in episcopal robes, accompanied by three purses and three children, From his earliest years, this Saint particularly venerated the Christ-child, and he practiced throughout his life the child-like virtues of meekness and humility of spirit. Because he performed all his good works in the name of the infant Jesus, children were taught to regard him as their patron saint. He also gained distinction as a protector of innocence and morality. On many other occasions, he also provided for the distressed, but he always arranged his gifts so that none would know their source. If he was asked he would say very quietly and sincerely that Christ was the true giver of all gifts."
Text from, The Story of Christmas by Manly P. Hall
A Note from Eesha
So moms and dads and guardians of all ages- before you deem belief in Santa Clause an escape from reality- THINK- first how this man was a symbol of protection of the innocents and morality- Think how vital it is for children to learn at such an early age the virtues of meekness and humility of spirit from one they adore and to whom they place their hope and dreams.
Isn’t this better than destroying these things just because you can no longer enjoy them yourselves? Christmas is about love.
If you don’t celebrate the Christ Child and the amazing choice God made to live as we do- to teach the truth about God and how to love each other, then at least allow them to experience the human goals of the same by believing in Santa.
Miracles do happen at Christmas time more than any other time- so as this author teaches- believe in something that adds a little miracle- a little magic and a lot of faith, hope, and love!
For without these gifts- we are no more than existing without purpose or meaning.

Santa Claus
A Spaceman Came Traveling
written by: Chris de Burgh
song by: Gregorian
A spaceman came traveling on his ship from afar
'Twas light years of time since his mission did start
And over a village, he halted his craft
And it hung in the sky like a star, just like a star
He followed a light and came down to a shed
Where a mother and child were lying there on a bed
A bright light of silver shone round his head
And he had the face of an angel and they were afraid
Then the stranger spoke, he said, do not fear
I come from a planet a long way from here
And I bring a message for mankind to hear
And suddenly the sweetest music filled the air
And it went la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la, la la la la la la la la la
Peace and goodwill to all men and love for the child
La la la la la la la la la, la la la la la la la, la la la la la la la la la, oh
This lovely music went trembling through the ground
And many were awakened on hearing that sound
And travelers on the road
The village they found by the light of that ship in the sky
Which shone all around
And just before dawn at the paling of the sky
The stranger returned and said, now I must fly
When two thousand years of your time has gone by
This song will begin once again to a baby's cry
And it went la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la, la la la la la la la la la
This song will begin once again to a baby's cry
And it goes la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la, la la la la la la la la la
Peace and goodwill to all men and love for the child
Oh the whole world is waiting, waiting to hear the song again (la la la la la la la la la)
There are thousands standing on the edge of the world (la la la la la la la la la)
And a star is moving somewhere, the time is nearly here (la la la la la la la la la)
This song will begin once again to a baby's cry

The Star of Bethlehem
“The East was the place of origin, and the place of destiny, the place from which God sent Adam and Eve forth, and where the souls must return. That was why the star of Bethlehem was put in the East, to mark the place where the Son of God took upon Himself birth, to reopen the gate. And Jesus, who is Lord of the East, is Master of all disciplines and spiritual arts.”
“This star that shone over Bethlehem not only guided the travelers but was also the sign that expressed the love of God the Father and his wife, the Virgin Mary at the birth of Jesus.
How fitting at this time, as each Person shares equally in all things, this star represents the arrival of the Third King--the love of the Son of God and his Consort, Mary-- and the birth of Their Son-- the Philosopher’s Stone, the One who is like the Son of Man, Emmanuel, who upon his return, will rule as One with his eternal consort, with the rod of iron.”
"Who is come and will destroy the destroyers of the earth."
— Are You Still Mine? by EESHA Mary Ellen Lukas
As before so present--
What was the Christmas Star?
Some of what we know of the Star of Bethlehem was originally included in St. Matthew’s Gospel, and some of it has come down to us as interpretation.
There is no mention of there being three kings, only 'Magi' (wise men, magicians or possibly astrologers) who left three gifts. The Greek word, generally translated as 'star' (αστερα - astera/astra from which we get 'astronomy') can also mean planet, or could refer to other objects such as a comet. There is no mention that the star is particularly bright, and it doesn’t have significance for anyone other than the Magi. However, over the years there have been many possible explanations suggested for this element of the Christmas story. Is there an astronomical basis for the Star of Bethlehem?
Explanation 1: the Christmas star was a nova or supernova explosion
The idea that the Magi saw a nova or supernova explosion was hinted at by 17th century astronomer, Johannes Kepler, and has had many supporters since. However, there is no Western record of such an event. Chinese records only have one possible mention of a nova or supernova over the potential time for Jesus's birth. There is also no known supernova remnant, which we would expect to find if there had been a supernova at this time.
Explanation 2: the Christmas star was a comet
This explanation has its origins even further back in time, dating to early Christian theologian Origen in AD 248. Again Chinese records can be invoked but give no good support apart from the potential 5 BC nova/comet. One advantage of the comet theory is that comets move across the sky. It had been argued that this fits the interpretation of the Gospel that the star 'moved' as it directed the Magi. However, this same argument could be applied to an object moving with the stars if the journey of the Magi took some months. Most classical depictions of the nativity show the 'star' as a comet.
Explanation 3: the Christmas star was a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn
Kepler is also associated with the idea that it was the close conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn that created the 'star.’ In fact, there were three conjunctions, when the two planets were close to one another in the sky, but none of these were close enough that they'd appear as one object. However, such an event could have been of religious or astrological significance.
Explanation 4: the Christmas star was a stationary point of Jupiter
Jupiter, in its apparent path across the sky, is generally seen to move from east to west across the starry background. Due to the relative movements of the Earth and the planets, this motion appears to slow and then stop as the planet reaches what is called a 'stationary point'. The planet then appears to move from east to west for some days before again stopping and resuming its west to east movement. At the possible time of the birth of Christ in the Bible, one of the stationary points could have occurred when Jupiter was directly overhead at Bethlehem at the same time of night for several nights.
Explanation 5: the Christmas star was a conjunction of Jupiter, Regulus and Venus
One other possibility includes a set of conjunctions of the planets Jupiter and Venus, and the bright star Regulus. In this case, the mythologies associated with the objects become important. Jupiter in Hebrew is known as ‘Sedeq’, which is often translated as meaning righteousness. Jupiter is also often viewed as being the 'king' of the planets. Regulus itself is Latin for 'prince' or 'little king', and Venus is often viewed as a symbol of love, fertility and birth. As such, the combination of these objects close in the sky could have led to the interpretation of the birth of the 'King of Kings.’

The Three Magi
The Order of the Magi
By: The Fraternitas Rosae Crucis
Each year, as we approach the holiday season, our preparations for Christmas include revisiting the events surrounding the birth of Our Lord. Bethlehem, (1) the shepherds, and the angels are familiar to us all. But not much is generally known about the mysterious "Magi" who came to worship the infant Jesus. The following background may be helpful to stimulate conversations around the fireplace as our thoughts turn to this incredible event from which we measure our very calendar.
Most of what we associate with the "Magi" is from early church traditions. Most have assumed there were three of them, since they brought three specific gifts (but the Biblical text doesn't number them). They are called "Magi" from the Latinized form of the Greek word magoi, transliterated from the Persian, for a select sect of priests. (Our word "magic" comes from the same root.)
As the years passed, the traditions became increasingly embellished. By the 3rd century they were viewed as kings. By the 6th century they had names: Bithisarea, Melichior, and Gathaspa. Some even associated them with Shem, Ham and Japheth--the three sons of Noah--and thus with Asia, Africa, and Europe. A 141h century Armenian tradition identifies them as Balthasar, King of Arabia; Melchior, King of Persia; and Gasper, King of India. (Relics attributed to them emerged in the 4th century and were transferred from Constantinople to Milan in the 5th century, and then to Cologne in 1162 where they remain enshrined.)
These are interesting traditions, but what do we really know about them?
The Priesthood of the Medes
.The ancient Magi were a hereditary priesthood of the Medes (known today as the Kurds) credited with profound and extraordinary religious knowledge. After some Magi, who had been attached to the Median court, proved to be expert in the interpretation of dreams, Darius the Great established them over the state religion of Persia. (2) (Contrary to popular belief, the Magi were not originally followers of Zoroaster. (3) That all came later.)
It was in this dual capacity, whereby civil and political counsel was invested with religious authority, that the Magi became the supreme priestly caste of the Persian empire and continued to be prominent during the subsequent Seleucid, Parthian, and Sasanian periods. (4)
The Role of Daniel
One of the titles given to Daniel was Rab-mag, the Chief of the Magi. (5) His unusual career included being a principal administrator in two world empires--the Babylonian and the subsequent Persian Empire. When Darius appointed him, a Jew, over the previously hereditary Median priesthood, the resulting repercussions led to the plots involving the ordeal of the lion's den. (6)
Daniel apparently entrusted a Messianic vision (to be announced in due time by a "star") to a secret sect of the Magi for its eventual fulfillment. But first let's review some historical background.
Political Background
Since the days of Daniel, the fortunes of both the Persian and the Jewish nation had been closely intertwined. Both nations had, in their turn, fallen under Seleucid domination in the wake of Alexander's conquests. Subsequently, both had regained their independence: the Jews under Maccabean leadership, and the Persians as the dominating ruling group within the Parthian Empire.
It was at this time that the Magi, in their dual priestly and governmental office, composed the upper house of the Council of the Megistanes (from which we get the term "magistrates"), whose duties included the absolute choice and election of the king of the realm.
It was, therefore, a group of Persian--Parthian "king makers" who entered Jerusalem in the latter days of the reign of Herod. Herod's reaction was understandably one of fear when one considers the background of Roman-Parthian rivalry that prevailed during his lifetime.
Rome on the Rise
Pompey, the first Roman conqueror of Jerusalem in 63 B.C., had attacked the Armenian outpost of Parthia. In 55 B.C. Crassus led Roman legions in sacking Jerusalem and in a subsequent attack on Parthia proper. The Romans were decisively defeated at the battle of Carrhae with the loss of 30,000 troops, including their commander. The Parthians counterattacked with a token invasion of Armenia, Syria, and Palestine.
Nominal Roman rule was reestablished under Antipater, the father of Herod, who, in his turn, retreated before another Parthian invasion in 40 B.C.
Mark Antony reestablished Roman sovereignty in 37 B.C. and, like Crassus before him, Also embarked on a similarly ill-fated Parthian expedition. His disastrous retreat was followed by another wave of invading Parthians, which swept all Roman opposition completely out of Palestine (including Herod himself, who fled to Alexandria and then to Rome). With Parthian collaboration, Jewish sovereignty was restored, and Jerusalem was fortified with a Jewish garrison.
Herod, by this time, had secured from Augustus Caesar the title of "King of the Jews." However, it was not for three years, including a five months' siege by Roman troops, that Herod was able to occupy his own capital city! Herod had thus gained the throne of a rebellious buffer state which was situated between two mighty contending empires. At any time his own subjects might conspire in bringing the Parthians to their aid. At the time of the birth of Christ, Herod may have been close to his final illness. Augustus was also aged, and Rome, since the retirement of Tiberius, was without an experienced military commander. Pro-Parthian Armenia was fomenting revolt against Rome (which was successfully accomplished within two years.)
The Tensions in Parthia
The time was ripe for another Parthian invasion of the buffer provinces, except for the fact that Parthia itself was racked by internal dissension. Phraates IV, the unpopular and aging king, had once been deposed and it was not improbable that the Persian Magi were already involved in the political maneuvering requisite to choosing his successor. It was conceivable that the Magi might be taking advantage of the king's lack of Popularity to further their own interests with the establishment of a new dynasty, which could have been implemented if a sufficiently strong contender could be found.
At this time it was entirely conceivable that the Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament, culminating in the writings of Daniel, one of their own Magians, was of profound motivating significance. The promise of a divinely imposed world dominion at the hands of a Jewish monarch might be more than acceptable to them. (Their own Persian and Medo-Persian history was studded with Jewish nobles, ministers, and counselors; and in the great Achaemenid days, some of the kings themselves were of Jewish blood.)
The Entourage to Jerusalem
In Jerusalem, the sudden appearance of the Magi, probably traveling in force with all imaginable oriental pomp and accompanied by an adequate cavalry escort to insure their safe penetration of Roman territory, certainly alarmed Herod and the populace of Jerusalem.
It would seem as if these Magi were attempting to perpetrate a border incident which could bring swift reprisal from Parthian armies. Their request of Herod regarding the one who "has been born King of the Jews" (7) was a calculated insult to him, a non--Jew (8) who had contrived and bribed his way into that office.
Consulting his scribes, Herod discovered from the prophecies in the Tanach (the Old Testament) that the Promised One, the Messiah, would be born in Bethlehem. (9) Hiding his concern and expressing sincere interest, Herod requested them to keep him informed.
After finding the babe and presenting their prophetic gifts, the Magi "being warned in a dream" (a form of communication most acceptable to them) departed to their own country, ignoring Herod's request. (Within two years Phraataces, the parricide son of Phraates IV, was duly installed by the Magi as the new ruler of Parthia.)
Daniel's Messianic Role
Living six centuries before the birth of Christ, Daniel certainly received an incredible number of Messianic prophecies. In addition to several overviews of all of Gentile world history, (10) the Angel Gabriel told him the precise day that Jesus would present Himself as King to Jerusalem."
It is interesting that Daniel's founding of a secret sect of the Magi also had a role in having these prominent Gentiles present gifts at the birth of the Jewish Messiah.
The Christmas Gifts
The gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh were also prophetic, speaking of our Lord's offices of king, priest, and savior. Gold speaks of His kingship; frankincense was a spice used in the priestly duties; and myrrh was an embalming ointment anticipating His death.
In the Millennium, He will also receive the gifts of gold and frankincense;" but no myrrh: His death was once and for all.
What gifts are YOU going to give Him this year? Discuss it with Him.
After the Arcane Orders, the Magi Order is the most exclusive of the Mystery Schools. Although the Nazarene was a member of the Priesthood of Melchizedek, it was the Priests of the Magi who were Divinely informed of the birth of the Child and who journeyed to welcome him into this world. The exclusiveness of the Magi is centered on its strict criteria of acceptance for membership and training.
The essential requirements for admittance to the Magi Order are:
1. The applicant is free from all restrictive religious dogma.
2. The applicant will dedicate time each day to the exercises taught.
3. He or she will permit, Biblically speaking, neither father, mother, brother, sister, spouse, friend or foe to in any way interfere with the required study and practices.
These stringent applicant requirements are necessary for ultimate success in the Order. For example, the individual who selects one of the professions such as medicine, dentistry, law, the priesthood or any other profession must meet these same prerequisites for success. When studying for a profession the student must give all of his or her time, both day and evenings, until fully prepared to actively enter the profession. They cannot permit business, social affairs or others to interfere with their study.
The restrictions of the Magi are not so severe if we take into consideration that the student is already engaged in the duties and obligations of life, and that the Work of his or her development in the Magi is, in essence, a second profession. The Magi work is a profession designed to help the student accomplish three things:
1. To bring into manifestation and develop the hidden possibilities (talents) within the student.
2. To obtain success at any honorable occupation or service to humanity.
3. Spiritual development.
It is important to emphasize that these accomplishments are to the benefit of others and those depending upon the student than directly to the individual student. The student whose heart and Soul is imbued with desire will find that training in the Magi Order provides steadfast aid for his or her service to humanity.
The Teachings of the Magi
The teachings and training of the Magi are significantly different in character from that of the other Arcane Orders. In contrast, the Æth Priesthood Order is focused on the Spiritual aspect of the Great Work, upon awakening and developing the Divine Soul Spark, the Christos, hidden within each individual. This emphasis is in harmony with the Biblical command:“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you” (Luke 12:31). For this reason the Æth Priesthood Order is primary in the Great Work and the Magi Order is secondary. Furthermore, an individual must be member of the Æth Priesthood in good standing before applying for acceptance into the Magi Order.
The Magi Order focuses on fully developing all of the hidden powers, forces and energies within the student. These hidden forces include development of both the mind and the Will. Secondarily, the Magi Order offers additional instructions for development of the Spiritual aspect of the student. The Magi Order focuses on success in the world but based upon moral values.
The methods of the Magi Order are not in any sense to be confused with pop-culture mind philosophy. The Divine Science of the Ancient Magi of the pre-Christian era instructs the student to transform the mortal lower tendencies and dysfunctional practices of life. At the same time, the Magi Order also instructs the student on how to direct all his or her hidden powers toward the fullness of life, wringing success out of failure and peace out of chaos and fear.
The Magi Order instructs its students in the methods that awaken and gradually develop all their hidden forces, talents and capabilities. This process and procedures develop the Magi student’s ability to achieve freedom from bondage to their lower nature and from serfdom to their own weak and destructive tendencies. At the same time, it leads the student to become free from the domination of those who attempt to enslave others.
The teachings of the Magi mark the pathway to success upon all planes of being, both physical and spiritual. This is accomplished only through transmutation of the undesirable tendencies within the mortal self into the good and constructive forces, powers and energies of the Divine. Through this effort, the student can become a Magus, or Master.
Within each individual lies hidden and dormant forces. These forces are our inherent capabilities and abilities, the Biblical “talents” (Matthew 25:14-30). These forces awaken and become manifest to all who make the necessary effort to study and properly apply the teachings. Once these hidden forces and abilities are awakened and developed by proper methods, they will make the neophyte a giant among people- a super-human for good.
The Wise Ones of Old
The ancient Priests of Melchizedek, the Priests of Æth, or Light, were those who developed their inherent Spiritual forces above and beyond the powers of mind. Their inclination was to become the teachers and leaders of the people, most especially concerning Spiritual concepts for the enlightenment of humanity.
In contrast, the Magi were known as “the wise men of old.” In the field of human relations the Magi were the wisest of all time. They were the Masters among the people, recognizing that we live and become great by the correct application of the forces God placed in our keeping. Of those in their time, the Magi alone succeeded in unraveling the secrets of the Ages- the dynamic powers and forces hidden within them, just as they are hidden in us today.
The Magi were free because they allowed no one to interfere with their efforts. Consequently, they were able to read the unseen Divine message that a Great Exemplar was to be born into the world whom would teach and explain the Divine Law in a manner all could understand. They foresaw a world teacher who would reveal the Mystery of our inherent powers, forces, energies, possibilities and capabilities. They foresaw a Master Teacher who would educate the people on the methods to awaken their “talents” and how to apply them in the every day affairs of their life. The development of our inherent Biblical talents forms a partnership between our physical affairs and our Spiritual possibilities to the eternal benefit of all humanity.
The Magi of old were wise. They were imbued and governed by a Spiritual intent, as must everyone today who seeks to become a Magus. They did not, and still do not, attempt to teach humanity the secret means and methods for attaining aggrandizement and personal benefits at the expense of their fellow humans. They knew the Divine Law and taught it in all its pristine purity. The Divine Law is the inner secret of the Science of the Magi.
The Magi, as did the Nazarene, recognized that within every individual there are deeply hidden, unrecognized occult[1] forces, powers and energies which, properly developed by self-effort, help the seeker to become Individualized. The elevated energies raise the Magi student toward the heavens and in turn enable them to perform even greater good works just as the Wise Ones of old did.
Our Divine possibilities are not an illusion or a chimera of mind. These dormant talents only await our efforts to arouse and perfect them. The Nazarene attested to the veracity of teachings of the Magi when he said,“Truly, truly, I say to you, He who believes in me shall do the works which I do; and even greater than these things he shall do, because I am going to my Father.”
(John 14:12)