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This Christmas is one that will go down in history.
For this year,
The Eeshan Religion of
Metta Spirituality
made it's debut unlike any other.
With “Are You Still Mine?” hitting number #1 TWICE in a matter of a few months, Eesha wants to show the world the strength of the women who help her make a difference.
Christmas would not be Christmas without them.

Kallah Lizzy
Eesha's Handmaid
Who lost her husband after a long illness. Whose background in nursing helped him medically, but whose spirituality and faith rose to the occasion upon the death of her husband. Always at Eesha’s side, she is a mother of eight children with four at home— one with career, two in school, and one about to graduate high school.
Kallah Ignatius
Who has been with Eesha for 30 years- always supporting and teaching. Today, she single handedly runs a household. She is a grandmother of two with another on the way- facing obstacles and heartaches she never dreamed she would ever have to face, but does so heroically and lovingly. Who believes hope springs eternal and anything bad or disappointing can change on a dime.

Kallah Clare
Our clairvoyant who has undergone several surgeries “like a boss” and is yet always available for her family and loved ones. She displays strength, loyalty, and love in ways that one can actually believe she was there at the beginning with Mary Magdalen and kept her promise of being reunited with her centuries later.
Kallah Phillip
Whose nickname is “Pineapple Princess” as she finds her roots in Hawaii— has been working wonders alongside her husband often under the duress of financial challenges, but always seems to spearhead faith and love within her own family and all those she meets, endlessly.

Kallah Magdalen
Who graciously and dutifully watches out for Eesha by assisting her in every imaginable way at the Guest House— Eesha’s second home; and has probably had the most difficult task of all, caring for Chatan Noel.
Kallah Michael Joseph
Who has proved positive that age and all that goes with it is not a deterrent, but serves to manifest the strength of a woman in all circumstances. She is as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside; defying “you can’t judge a book by its cover—” this one you can.

And last but never least
Kallah Fidelis
nicknamed Hon to Eesha

The sacrifice of her not being able to be present with Eesha and the Kallahs due to extreme health circumstances— yet always carried within the heart of Eesha to all special services and events— proves beyond a shadow of a doubt, that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Her continued spiritual presence, which is crowned by her constant ability to draw from the humor she shares with Eesha, is a presence that cannot be ignored. Despite the circumstances that have made it physically impossible for her to be with Eesha and the Kallahs, she has done so heroically. This empowered woman with her God given gift of humor has healed all those who have had the smallest or the slightest opportunity to meet her. We know and hold this to be true, for her absence has caused the hearts of Eesha and the Kallahs to feel broken without her- yet she won't allow any one of them- especially Eesha to stay sad. As you can see below, she fills Eesha's heart with sweetness.
The unique relationship between her and Eesha is one that can not be broken— the perfect example of how Eesha keeps us together when one of us can’t be.

From Eesha to her Kallahs,
Merry Timeless Christmas
I thank God for you everyday

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